We hope you enjoy the following short film about our school ...
Applying for a Reception Place
We are normally able to show families around the school between October and December of each year to assist you in deciding which school is most suitable for your child.
Our website is also an excellent way to get a feel for our ethos and environment ahead of making your decision.
Please watch this page for more information on tour dates. In the meantime, we hope that the information on this website and our Reception Induction Page will provide you with a good starting point.
The deadline for submitting applications for Reception classes for September 2025 is January 2025.
All applications need to be made through South Gloucestershire School Admissions. You can contact them on 01454 868008 or visit their website by clicking on the icon below. Applications can also be made via this link.
Download our prospectus for 2023/24
Download our 'Frequently Asked Questions' about starting school
In Year Admissions
There are many reasons why a child may need to start a new school. We are always happy to welcome new children to our school and, as with children joining Reception, all places are allocated by South Gloucestershire Admissions. If you are considering a place at Wheatfield we want to be able to guide you through the process and would encourage you to do two things before applying.
Firstly, either speak to us or speak to the Admissions team to find out whether we currently have spaces in your child's year (we offer 60 spaces per year group). You can call Admissions on 01454 868008 or email them via the form on their website (click the icon below to visit their site).
Secondly, come and have a look around our school. You can book an appointment by calling a member of our office team on 01454 868610. They will arrange for a senior member of staff to show you around and answer any questions you might have.
If you are offered a place at school and haven't been able to visit then we will ask you to come and meet with us before your child starts. This will also provide you with an opportunity to meet with your child's class teacher. We also like to welcome our new children by offering them a short session in school with their new class and introduce them to their 'class buddy' who will help welcome them into our school. This induction profess really helps us make sure your child's first weeks at Wheatfield are as successful and fulfilling as possible. All of our staff are also always on hand to support and guide our new families through the transition process.