01454 868 610

Wheatfield Drive, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BS32 9DB

Last update: 2024-09-02

Year 6

Our teachers are Miss Bishop and Ms Rutherford. 

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Boyes. 

PE Days

6B Tuesday and Wednesday

6R Tuesday and Thursday

Reading records will be checked each Friday but please make sure they are in school every day for reading. 

Term 1



We will be exploring the skills of writing varied sentence structures, using advanced punctuation, such as semi-colons, and using a wide range of vocabulary. We will do this through the genres of narrative, non-chronological report and biography.

Weekly spellings will no longer be sent home but instead weekly and daily spelling lessons will take place in school.


We will be reading Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll during the autumn term, alongside related non-fiction. Through whole class reading lessons we will explore the skills of vocabulary, inference, prediction, explaining, retrieval and summarising.

Please ensure children bring in their signed reading record every Friday. It is important to encourage your child to engage in our whole school reading challenge to support their reading at home.

Reading in English: A guide for learners


We will be covering the following objectives:

Place value – numbers up to millions

Addition and subtraction – mental and written methods for large numbers

Multiplication and Division - mental methods relating to times tables knowledge and written methods, multiplying and dividing by 1 and 2 digit numbers. Knowing multiples, factors, prime numbers and square numbers

Properties of 2D and 3D shapes

Maths planets will take place every Friday and the children will continue from where they finished in Year 5. Overviews are available on our webpage. Please try to practise maths facts 3 times a week

For more information visit our Maths Curriculum page to remind yourselves of our calculation policy.

Maths - Airy Hill Primary School

How can you help at home?


Children are expected to read at home at least five times each week for fifteen minutes.  At least one of these times needs to be with an adult but please read more often with your child if you are able. Children are expected to write the date of the read, the book they are reading and the pages they have read in that day. Please ensure that you check and sign reading records each week. Reading records will be checked every Friday.

Reading comprehension question stems can be found here. 

A list of recommended reads for Y6 can be found here. 



This year, Year 6 will be following a new way of spelling. The premise of this is that spelling should be 'taught not caught'. We will be doing daily and weekly spelling sessions but will not be sending spelling lists home for weekly spelling tests. We recognise that this is different from previous years and will be different from other year groups, but we hope this new way of working will see great improvement in spelling! 

Year 3/4 Statutory Word List

Year 5/6 Statutory Word List



By Year 6, the children should be confident with all times table facts so constant practice at home will help to embed this. 

The children will be continuing with Maths Planets this year and will carry on from their end point in Year 5.  There are sample papers on the maths page of the website to give you an idea of what each stage will look like. Please encourage your child to practise their maths facts at least three times per week. If your child is stuck on a level for more than four weeks, then we will intervene at school.

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