01454 868 610

Wheatfield Drive, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BS32 9DB

Our Music Curriculum

Key Stage 2 Christmas at the Movies 

Here are some accompanied songs to help everyone practise their Christmas Sparkle (and Shine) Skills.

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Sleigh Ride

Kid on Christmas 

I Wish it Could Be Christmas Everyday


Click to read the aims of our music curriculum

We use Charanga Musical School as a resource to support non-specialist teachers to teach creative and vibrant music sessions. Click the icon to find out more.

Click to view our learning map for music

Knowledge and Skills Organisers
For each unit of work, teachers use a 'knowledge and skills organiser' to plan the key knowledge, vocabulary and skills children will learn during the unit.

Teachers supplement this with a variety of resources and experiences to secure long-term understanding of the knowledge and concepts taught.

Some examples are shown below:

Year 2 - Knowledge and Skills Organisers

Year 6 - Knowledge and Skills Organisers

Pupil Unit Organisers
For each unit of work, pupils are provided with a unit organiser which summarises the core learning and vocabulary. Key questions are also included to indicate the sorts of things they should know by the end of the unit.

Our pupil unit organisers are designed to provide a broad overview of the learning - they offer a point of reference, for pupils, as they progress through each unit of work. They are not a substitute for the ongoing teaching and dialogue which is required throughout the unit.

Some examples are shown below:

Year 2 - Hands, Feet, Heart (pupil organiser)

Year 6 - Happy (pupil organiser)