01454 868 610

Wheatfield Drive, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BS32 9DB

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

 We follow the Jigsaw approach to teaching Personal, Social and Health Education. Every year group takes part in Jigsaw session and each terms follows a new theme. The six themes for the year are set out below.



Click to read the aims of our PSHE curriculum

Guides for Parents

Jigsaw have produced two useful guides for parents and carers which have been shared with our families. The first guide describes the PSHE programme as a whole. The second leaflet explains the RHSE (relationships, health and sex education) aspect of the programme. If you have any questions about this, please speak with your child's class teacher or our PSHE Leader, Mrs Brown.

Click on the icon below to download the Jigsaw information leaflet for parents & carers.

Updated: March 2019

Click to view our learning map for PSHE


Click the icon below to download the Jigsaw guide for RHSE. 

Updated: April 2021

Families were consulted ahead of the introduction of our RSHE curriculum through a workshop. Each year, before this content is taught in the summer term, families are reminded about the content and their rights in relation to this. Our PSHE Leader and staff team support families to understand what is being taught and why. Wherever possible, we work to ensure every child has access to our full curriculum offer. 

Meet the Jigsaw Family

Jigsaw have a family of cuddly pieces (one for each year group) who live in each class. The children get to know their year group's piece throughout the year and include them in their Jigsaw sessions. Jenie, Jack, Jo, Jino, Jazz, Jez and Jem prove to be very popular even among our older children!

Jenie (Reception)

Jino (Year 3)

Jack (Year 1)

Jaz (Year 4)

Jem (Year 6)

Jo (Year 2)

Jez (Year 5)